Please carefully read our RFQs, and then submit the following information to wreckcitycalgary@gmail.com in an e-mail titled: RFQ: Artist, RFQ: Documentary Filmmaker, or RFQ: Writer-in-Residence (depending on which role you are applying for).
All documents should be compiled into one PDF (which may include images and links to video or audio works). The PDF should be titled: WRECKCITY_RFQ_yourfirstname_yourlastname_2018. Your PDF should include the following:
A Cover Page including your name, contact email, telephone number, and the position you’re interested in (artist, documentary filmmaker, or critical writer).
Out-of-town artists requiring a living space should add a note: “requesting onsite accommodations.”
A one-page Expression of Interest outlining your interest in the WRECK CITY Residency and your general intentions.
What are your goals for the residency? How will your work engage other artists, the space, and the public? What is your experience working in alternative art spaces? How does this residency relate to your personal practice?
If you are responding to the curatorial statement of one curator in particular, tell us why these ideas resonate for you.
A short CV or Bio. We want to learn about the notable things you’ve done in the past or are working on right now.
If applicable, a list of specific facilities or tools that would be useful to you. We will do our best to accommodate requests, where possible.
A note about availability (are you available for the whole residency?)
Support Material including up to 10 images, written materials, and links to video or recordings of your best previous work. Where possible please provide links to online photographs and videos that do not require download to view.
E-mail applications to wreckcitycalgary@gmail.com by Monday, February 26, 2018 @ Midnight
14 artists, collaborative teams, and/or collectives will be selected based on the integrity of their portfolios, availability, intentions, and relationship with DIY art spaces. One documentary filmmaker and one critical writer will be commissioned to document this process.
Thanks for your interest in our first WRECK CITY Residency! We look forward to reading your RFQs. We hope to select successful applicants within a few weeks of the deadline. Where applicable, WRECK CITY will schedule telephone interviews with shortlisted candidates.
Please note: WRECK CITY aims to support diverse communities. While some amount of subjectivity is required in all curatorial processes, we aspire to create well balanced inclusive projects, and will be considering diversity as part of our selection process. Prospective artists should not feel inhibited by gender, orientation, origin, cultural background, ability, or any other personal factor - although some sites are more difficult to access than others (and few include elevators) we will happily accommodate artists in whatever ways we are able. If you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to email wreckcitycalgary@gmail.com.
The WRECK CITY Residency is one of 200 projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts’ New Chapter program, developed to fund arts during the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation. WRECK CITY is one of 3 Calgary-based arts initiatives to be awarded this grant, including Making Treaty 7 Cultural Society and Czapno Ensemble (Old Trout Puppet Workshop). These projects were chosen from over 2000 applications across the country. With this $35M investment, the Council supports the creation and sharing of the arts in communities across Canada.

For more information about WRECK CITY, visit our mandate, facebook page, twitter, or Instagram.